"New Sustainable Spaces for Inclusive Europe"
"New Sustainable Spaces for Inclusive Europe" NESSIE is born from the will of the partners to support the direct involvement of citizens, in
particular youth, in the decision-making and planning process on themes relevant to the life and resilience of local communities, through
international cooperation and the broadening of the perspective.
The focus of the project will be on the promotion of an environmentally conscious community, fostering the direct involvement of young
citizens in the preservation of local environment and in the monitoring of urban development.
-to bring together citizens of 2 Countries to exchange know-how, practices, and points of view on common, relevant themes;
-to empower citizens to actively participate at local, regional, national and European levels;
-to promote cooperation among different organizations at the local and EU levels and exchange best practices;
- to enhance local good governance, raising attention on issues like sustainable development and heritage/environment protection;
- to promote and disseminate the New European Bauhaus initiative and to contribute to the Conference for the Future of Europe digital
-to create new occasion of debate and a stable network of cooperation for the citizens of local communities;
-empower young citizens to take directly part in the decision-making process at local, national and EU level;
-to foster the knowledge and contribution to EU policies and initiatives, like the European Green Deal, the Conference on the Future of
Europe and the New European Bauhaus;
-contribute to enlarge the perspective of the participants, overcoming national perceptions to discuss common solutions;
-to reinforce a sense of cohesion among citizens, based on solidarity and common values, and a sense of ownership towards the EU project;
-to draft a NESSIE declaration and suggestion to be submitted as idea to the Conference on the Future of Europe digital platform.